Connect Your Community with
Well-being Resources

PIHC Custom Communities 

PIHC Custom Communities are landing pages customized for a specific group, topic, or geographic area. Custom Communities are built on the infrastructure, allowing site managers to access hundreds of resource listings that are regularly updated. Site managers can hand-select or add their own resources for a particular community. A custom URL is included.

What are Custom Communities?

A Custom Community Landing Page offers partners a tailored bi-directional landing page from, community well-being resource hub, main/home page.

Custom URL

A Custom Community landing page has its own custom URL – and additional branding choices (see below).  A partner can purchase their own domain name and use as a re-direct, if desired. Note: This is not a white label product

Utilize Existing Infrastructure

The purpose of a Custom Community landing page is to offer partners an opportunity to leverage the infrastructure of to create a tailored community well-being resource list that best meets the needs and/or functionality of their community. The Custom Community landing page gives communities a branded, trusted connection to their community and allows a partner lead(s) to maintain/manage/and promote the listings that meet their specific criteria.

Bi-directional Landing Pages

Custom Community landing pages are bi-directional, with no wrong door. Each Custom Community landing page will populate with the designated listings for a specific Custom Community landing page. Users will also have the option to select other Custom Community landing pages and ‘land’ on those pages (including the main page)

Branding Options

  • Custom URL
  • Custom Picture
  • Custom Title – see type/character count and w/in mutual agreement
  • Custom Intro Text
  • Local Partner Area, if desired

Cost Custom Communities are priced based on partner requirements. Contact us for more details.

Who Uses PIHC Custom Communities?


Self-Identified Communities

Smaller communities within the county can create custom communities to reach their populations with hand-selected resources. This includes ethnic and language groups, churches, neighborhoods and more.

Topical Communities

Custom communities can be created to highight resources related to a particular topic. Examples include opioid recovery, mindfulness, youth mental health and more.

Geographical Communties

Geographic areas in Snohomish County can create custom communities featuring hyper local-resources.

PIHC Custom Community Features

Organized by the Six Dimensions of Health

Custom Communities are organized by what matters to our community – which helps drive self-improvement, health management and better personal and community health outcomes.

Custom URL

Custom community URLs selected to reflect your custom community. 

Manage Listings

Custom communities will present the resource listings of your choice. Partners can manage the listings that appear on their Custom Community page from anywhere at anytime. 

Promotional Toolkit

Custom Communities include a simple social media logo/lockup to share with partners and community with branding guidelines

Partner Stories