Come join us IN PERSON and learn more about health resources from our own caregivers and in our local community. Our 2nd Annual Virtual Health and Wellbeing Fair in January showed that caregivers were more than ready to be together again! To honor PRIDE month in June, the theme is “Safety in Allyship” We will be celebrating Pride month throughout the day focus on creating equitable access to resources for all.
- 10:00 AM: Kick off with an official honoring of our PRIDE crosswalk Pass out PRIDE flags, pronoun pins and ‘Chalk the Walk’, where caregivers can chalk encouraging messages along the sidewalk.
- 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM: Visit Resource Tables, Enjoy Give-a-Ways, and Snacks! The event allows not only for a celebration of safety in allyship, but also opportunities to meet with other internal and external partners to share resources, learn from one another, and build connections.
For those that are unable to attend the event in person, we will be providing some virtual messages and resource sharing from the participants. Hope you can join us!!
- Providence Intervention Center Assault Abuse (PICCA)
- Stroke and Heart Health
- Nutrition
- Providence Institute for a Healthier Community (PIHC)
- Spiritual Care
- Providence Cultural Navigators and Community Health Workers
- American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), and many more!