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Local Community Well-being & Needs Highlight

How did Snohomish County Residents Rate Their Physical Health?

From 2024 Snohomish County PIHC Health and Well-being Monitor.
See the full 
2024 summary report.

This year Physical Health continues to be the most impactful indicator on our county’s overall well-being score. The drivers of physical health continue to be multi-dimensional, touching many areas of well-being. Findings showed that the state of our mental/emotional health most influenced physical health ratings. Other indicators of well-being that played a significant role were sense of financial security, opportunities to access medical care health information and the quality of our relationships Not surprisingly, results also showed that exercise greatly impacts our physical health.

Physical Health = MORE than Diet and Exercise

Look for a variety of local resources to support
physical health and well-being at www.livewelllocal.org

Visit our webpage to learn more about the annual PIHC Health and Wellbeing Monitor  which measures indicators that our community identified within six key dimensions that work together to enhance health and improve quality of life, and how smaller community groups like churches, neighborhoods, or regions within the county can conduct their own survey—a My Community Health and Well Being Monitor.

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